At the premiere of the Broadway musical “The Outsiders” in New York City, Angelina Jolie captured attention not only with her poised appearance at 49 but also due to a new tattoo on her left arm. Remarkably, Justin Levine, her collaborator on this project, sports a similar tattoo.
On April 11th, Angelina Jolie, alongside her youngest daughter, Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, attended the debut of “The Outsiders.” The Hollywood starlet stood out not just for her elegant demeanor but also for the fresh ink gracing her body.
The new tattoo, inked in a delicate script style emphasized by artistic curves, reads “Stay Gold.” According to Page Six, this phrase holds a deep connection with the project, where Jolie directs and her daughter assists. It echoes the words of Johnny to Ponyboy in “The Outsiders,” symbolizing authenticity, the preservation of innocence, and the importance of staying true to one’s roots. The tattoo, appearing freshly done with surrounding skin still slightly inflamed and the ink vibrant, was prominently displayed.
Notably, Jolie isn’t the only member of “The Outsiders” crew with this tattoo. Earlier, Justin Levine, who co-authored and composed the musical, showcased his “Stay Gold” tattoo on his Instagram Story.
In 2021, the “Maleficent” star also turned heads when she revealed another new tattoo during her 46th birthday celebrations in New York. As reported by the Daily Mail, it featured the Italian phrase “eppur si muove” – “And yet it moves” – famously declared by astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1633 after being forced to recant his statement that the Earth orbits the Sun. The phrase stands as a defiant affirmation of truth prevailing eventually.
Angelina had this quote tattooed in 2020, mentioning it in an early-year interview with British Vogue, but it wasn’t publicly seen until the following year.
Previously, the ex-wife of Brad Pitt has adorned her body with over 16 tattoos inspired by her travels, charitable work, children, and personal beliefs. Many have been glimpsed through her choice of revealing outfits.
“I love them. They are body art. I think it’s not unusual for someone to choose to express their own rights to their life by marking the things that are important to them,” Angelina shared in a 2010 interview with Post-Modern Ink.